
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Study for Fire Escape", 9in x 12in, Oil on Canvas

This is another color study for a larger piece I plan to do.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Study for "Philly Freeway", 12in x 16in, Oil on Canvas

Here is another small urban study I painted in preparation for a larger piece - probably 30in x 40in. I love the rough character of the old northern cities like Philadelphia, and the abstract patterns created by different shapes and values. This piece was painted from a photograph I took about 3 years ago out of a rental car window as I was driving into Philly. It was kind of an interesting perspective of the city, and a point of view that I probably wouldn't have noticed on foot.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Philly at Night" (study), 11in x 14in, Oil on Canvas

This is another urban study for a larger piece I plan to do. Believe it or not, my initial inspiration for painting this was one of the opening scenes in Rocky 1! This is quite different from the shot in the movie, compositionally, but the original screen shot really plays up the contrast of a greenish-grey environment with a red fire hydrant. I wanted to capture this in my painting. I'm looking forward to painting a larger version of this!