
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"End of the Day", 48in x 60in, Oil on Canvas

I reworked this one. The original version that I posted lacked the grittiness and color subtlety that I was initially going for. Oftentimes I allow my photo reference to dictate my color choices - this most always results in a painting that is less than satisfactory! It is very important to keep your original intention for a painting in mind throughout the process of its creation This was a lesson learned the hard way.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"End of the Day," 48in x 60in, Oil on Canvas

This is the first of a series of construction worker paintings that I am working on. Much of my childhood was spent working with my family, and despite the hard labor, these times are amongst my most cherished memories. With this series I hope to convey the comradery that my family and shared, and the importance of simply working hard - no matter what line of work you are in!