
Friday, March 23, 2012

"The Old Sink", 14in x 18in, Oil on Canvas

These pieces are a series of paintings based on my kitchen. More than this, they represent an idea. I paint things that remind me of times past - not simply for nostalgia's sake, but in reverence of old ideas/ways-of-life that are still valid today. These simple objects and environments represent a time that was characterized by a greater sense of aesthetics and not characterized by the superfluous sense of sanitization that is common today. This is not to say that all new ideas are bad and all old ideas are good; rather, these paintings are meant to remind us of things worth remembering and ideas that should not be discarded. In addition to using this subject matter as medium to communicate ideas, I also simply LOVE to paint this stuff, and it reminds me of my grandma's house!

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