
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Hampton Beach", 15in x 30 in, Oil on Canvas

This is actually a piece that I did a while back; it was part of a group exhibition with Brooke Olivares and Andy Espinoza. This painting is about shapes and design. My intention here was to capture the mood, light and atmospheric conditions of the location and not get too caught up with excessive detail. Beach scenes offer a variety of shapes, textures and colors which make them extremely fun to paint. 

A painting like this is not about any one person or object. Rather, it's about the whole. It's about the overall feel or impression that you get from looking at this scene from afar; It's about the way these shapes, colors and values interact with each other to create an interesting composition of graphic elements. Nothing would kill a scene like this more than observing and painting any one part of it for too long. Everything must be handled at the same time - in relation to each other. Every color and value is determined by its relationship to the color and value of the whole.

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