
Thursday, May 3, 2012

"The Taste Test", 24in x 36in, Oil on Canvas

This is a painting of my Grandmother Stina (Augustina Caloiaro) - my family and I call her "Ma". For some time now, I have been wanting to make a painting of her, and I finally got around to it! Ma is a fantastic cook, so I figured this to be a fitting setting to paint her in. Though some elements of the environment are invented, this is pretty much what her kitchen actually looks like. In a way, this also a portrait of her house, which sad to say, is going to be torn down this year. My brothers, cousins and I have spent a large majority of our lives running around this house under Ma's loving supervision, so seeing this house go will be hard...Back to Ma...She is a GREAT woman! Other than my parents, she has been one the most influential role models in my life. She was and still is a HARD worker. She raised her family through thick and thin - always with a smile on her face. She is tough and resilient. At 88 years old she still lives alone and makes food for her family. Her courage, consistency and steadfastness was my greatest inspiration for this piece.

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